
From solar panels 和 other energy efficient technologies to hydration stations 和 reusable water bottles to tray-less dining 和 an on-campus greenhouse, the 网赌上分平台 is committed to promoting environmentally friendly initiatives that enhance the experience of the campus community 和 lessen our impact on the environment.


All members of the 网赌上分平台 community play a role in fostering a sustainable campus 和 in developing the next generation of leaders 和 innovators committed to preserving the environment.

大学的能源和可持续发展办公室, 是设施部的一部分吗, 协调全校的努力,以减少大学的碳足迹, 让学生参与旨在保护环境的讨论和项目, 和 develops ways to integrate issues about sustainability into classes 和 co-curricular learning opportunities, 包括通过Tagliatela工程学院, 其中包括可持续发展和绿色设计方面的专家教授.

The University also offers a minor in Sustainability Studies for students seeking to better underst和 environmental considerations in industry, 政府, 非营利组织, 以及学术机构. 课程通过提供科学之间的联系来加强学生的主要研究领域, 工程, 数学, 业务, 经济学, 人文学科. The minor takes a problem-solving approach to the discipline as students learn to apply broad knowledge to specific institutional, 当地的, 或者全球性问题. Students in this minor develop valuable insights into the nature of current sustainability practices.




自2014年以来, 网赌上分平台 students 和 设施 工作人员 have collaborated on a program to minimize waste when students are moving out of their residence halls. 在2018年的春天, 校园捐赠了,向当地非营利组织和社区组织捐赠了748磅的物品.


These are some of the ways in which the University strives to lessen its impact on the environment:

  • 住宅生活

    Celentano大厅, 这所大学最大的宿舍, 它获得了leed金级认证,屋顶上有228块太阳能电池板. 日照大厅, 这所大学最新的宿舍, 已被美国基督教会康涅狄格分会认可.S. Green Building Council for using heating 和 control systems that use significantly less energy than most buildings of its size.

  • 能源

    The 网赌上分平台 tracks energy usage using a centralized Building Management System. A team of 工作人员 conducts building audits on a regular basis to identify energy opportunities that increase efficiency where possible.

  • Hydration stations are located all over campus 和 encourage students to bring reusable drink containers. By using these stations we lessen the number of plastic bottles that would be added into the waste stream.

  • 回收

    网赌上分平台提供单流回收. 这意味着所有可回收物都可以放入同一个容器. 了解更多关于 什么可以在校园里回收.

  • 餐厅

    索迪斯, 网赌上分平台的餐饮服务提供商提供无托盘餐饮, 可回收的外带容器, 和 可重复使用的食物容器 还有饮料容器. 索迪斯还提供本地采购的农产品,并在校园内举办农贸市场.

  • 运输

    校园周围设有自行车架,鼓励人们骑自行车出行. 该大学还拥有强大的校内和校外班车系统. 2022年末, the University added charging stations for electric vehicles in two locations on campus.


    As part of the University’s ongoing commitment to sustainability 和 energy conservation, I am pleased to announce that as of Spring 2023 we have eight new level 2 electric vehicle charging stations located on campus, 随着未来的计划增加更多.

    这些新的充电站现在对所有学生开放, 教师, 和 工作人员 who have made their own commitment to sustainability by driving electric-powered vehicles. 支持这一承诺, 剑桥大学很荣幸地为教职员工提供这些新的充电站, 工作人员, 和学生 免费.

    下图所示的这些站点位于 贝克曼娱乐中心停车场Celentano大厅停车场.

    车站的使用非常简单. 用户将需要通过创建自己的帐户 充点, 谁是世界上最大的电动汽车充电公司之一, 拥有200多个,遍布全球的000个充电站. 而校园用户可以免费使用车站, 您将被要求提供付款方式(信用卡), 贝宝, 或Apple Pay)创建新账户时.


    • 点击“连接”,然后输入代码 UNH1920.
    • 输入您的姓名,网赌上分平台的电子邮件地址和您的车牌.

    完成这些步骤后,您将收到一封来自 充点 您使用校园充电站的连接已被批准.

    用户也可以 下载充点应用程序 from the App Store on your iPhone or via Google Play to start charging or to receive notifications when your car is done charging or when a charging station is available for use.

    充电时间限制为4小时, 哪个电量应该足够你的车充满电. A nominal fee of $5 will be charged to your account for each hour after four hours of use. This is to encourage sharing of the charging stations 和 to insure ample availability to all users.

    要了解有关此计划的更多信息,请访问充点.或发邮件给该大学能源与可持续发展主任劳拉·米勒(劳拉•米勒) LMiller@wfnintr.net.

  • 可持续建筑

    贝加米科技创新中心 校园里最新的可持续建筑吗. 2020年秋季开业, the Bergami中心 has earned a Leadership in 能源 和 Environmental Design (LEED) rating that sets is apart from many of the other buildings on campus. The LEED rating system covers 5 key areas; Sustainable Site Selection, 能源与大气, 材料选择, 水效率, 及室内环境质素. 要了解更多关于这座建筑的信息,请参加每两周安排的参观活动. 要参加,只需填写以下表格: 贝加米中心可持续发展之旅.
